Friday, May 14, 2010

How to Avoid GCP Non-Compliance Issues in Your Clinical Trials

is being presented by Dr. Howard Hubbell, President, of Hubbell Consulting, LLC and airs on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010. For more details or to register please visit our site at

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is a set of ethical and operational principles which assure that the conduct of clinical trials and the data derived from those trials protect the participating human subjects and assure the quality, reliability and integrity of the clinical data. Because of the complexity of clinical trials, multiple personnel in the trial process have responsibilities for maintaining GCP compliance. However, in many instances, clinical trials are GCP non-compliant in at least one component of the study, at some point during the study. Depending on the non-compliant issues, GCP non-compliance can potentially lead to warning letters, suspension of the trial or rejection of some or all of the trial data by regulatory agencies.

In this audio conference, the speaker defines GCP, outlines the roles of those working on various aspects of the clinical trial (including sponsors, investigators, CROs, monitors and IRBs) and describes the documents necessary for performing a clinical trial. In addition, regulatory inspections and audits of clinical trials are discussed, along with common GCP non-compliance findings and resultant regulatory actions. Strategies and actions will be presented for maintaining GCP compliance.