Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Virtual CRO: Future of Drug Development Partnerships?

is being presented by Dr. Joy Frestedt, President & CEO, of Frestedt Incorporated and airs on Thursday, September 30th, 2010. For more details or to register, please visit our site at

The virtual contract research organization, or vCRO, is a relatively new concept in the world of drug development. It is a business model based entirely on strategic outsourcing, and companies that boast little or nothing in the way of brick-and-mortar facilities. As a result, these companies also have minimal overhead where staffing and facilities are concerned, and can pass those savings on to sponsors. In a world where drug development costs are skyrocketing, and at a time when working with traditional CROs has become a chronic pain point for many sponsors, there are those who predict this model will change the face of the industry.

But is the virtual CRO all it appears to be? Is it the right choice for all sponsors and all aspects of clinical research? What about laboratory testing or seeing patients at the site? This audio conference takes a critical look at the vCRO model, and discusses where and when it might be an appropriate option for sponsors, and conversely, situations where the traditional model might be a better choice.