Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Risk-Based CAPA - New Guidelines and Expectations

is being presented by Vinny Sastri, President, of Winovia LLC and airs on Tuesday, December 14th, 2010. For more details or to register, please visit our site at www.fxconferences.com

Why does a significant percentage of all warning letters for medical devices and pharmaceuticals continue to be CAPA-related even though critical thinking and problem solving methodologies proliferate in the industry? In November 2009, the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF) issued a draft, proposed guidance document that provides the latest thinking and approach of the regulatory bodies on CAPA. This includes the use of risk-based processes and decisions.

This audio conference discusses how to use risk-based decisions in implementing, prioritizing and conducting CAPA projects and processes. In addition it provides organizational best practices to enable effective CAPA systems.