Thursday, March 1, 2012

Post-market Design Changes – What FDA is Saying Now

is being presented by David Rothkopf, President, of MEDIcept and airs on Tuesday, March 13th, 2012. For more details or to register, please visit our site at

Many companies make subtle changes to their devices over time. However, those subtle changes can add up to the point where the current design no longer matches the product deemed safe and effective by the FDA. Whether you just received clearance for your product or it was last cleared in the last century, the FDA has stepped up enforcement on modifications to devices without notification. During site investigations, the FDA is looking at design changes and reviewing all the changes between now and when you last received a 510(k) clearance.

In July 2011 the FDA released a draft guidance document on 510(k) device modification and when to submit a new 510(k) for an existing device. This document reflects the current thinking of the FDA, and will replace the present guidance released in 1997. Are you ready? Do you know the configuration of your product when it was last cleared? Those “letter to file” changes might no longer be acceptable. This audio conference presentation reviews the new guidance document, looks at how to perform a design gap analysis on a device, and discusses what to do when you realize you probably should submit a new 510(k).