Friday, November 7, 2008

Leveraging the Benefits of eMDR (Electronic Medical Device Reporting)

Inefficient medical device reporting presents a clear and present danger: It can damage your company’s reputation and even threaten your ability to operate. After sending some mixed signals in the second half of 2007, FDA eMDR experts have said they’ll mandate eMDR within two years. The only debate now is how quickly it will happen, and what kind of timeline mandate will be imposed.

It’s therefore not surprising to learn the agency is pushing harder for eMDR (electronic medical device reporting) than anyone else. By attending this audio conference, you'll learn more about the future of eMDR, the options available to you now, and why it makes good business sense to implement an electronic medical device reporting system today.

Leveraging the Benefits of eMDR (Electronic Medical Device Reporting) is presented by Tamar June, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, of AssurX. This audio conference airs on Wednesday, December 10th, 2008, for more details or to register, please visit our site