Thursday, September 16, 2010

Making Tough R&D Decisions When There Are Multiple Objectives

is being presented by Jack M. Kloeber Jr. & William K. Klimack, Partner & Senior Consultant, with Kromite LLC and airs on Tuesday, October 19th, 2010. For more information, or to register please visit our site at

Making risky, complex decisions affecting the success of a company are part of every R&D leader's day, whether it be in the life sciences or any other industry. As R&D portfolios grow in size, they also grow in complexity, cost, and scientific or engineering difficulty. Executives facing tough decisions are often armed only with their own experience and intelligence and an army of advisors with conflicting objectives.

In this audio conference, our speakers propose a method of decision-making which helps the leader take key conflicting objectives into account consistently, while bringing clarity and transparency to the risk-cost-reward tradeoff discussion. The presentation draws upon a real-life examples from the new product development arena within the pharmaceutical industry. By focusing on achieving the core objectives of the company, leadership can identify the top projects and focus their scarce resources, thereby obtaining the largest value for their R&D efforts.