Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Readability Testing for Patient Information in Europe

is being presented by Simon Andriesen, CEO, of MediLingua BV and airs on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010. For more details or to register for this event, please visit our site at www.fxconferences.com

Readability testing of patient information leaflets has been the law in Europe since 2005. One on the language versions – English or any of the other EU languages – must be tested for readability. During a readability test a leaflet is discussed with 25 participants, who have to answer a range of questions using the information they find in the leaflet. This way most if not all errors or shortcomings will surface and can be corrected.

This audio conference presentation will provide an overview and best practices concerning readability testing. The speaker will discuss how to set up a test environment, how to recruit the right people for testing, and how to formulate strong, effective questions.