Friday, January 14, 2011

Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

is being presented by Marna Hayden, President, of Hayden Resources Inc. and airs on Tuesday, February 1st, 2011. For more details or to register, please visit our site at

There is no room for any kind of harassment in the workplace today, and employers have both a moral and legal responsibility to shield employees from this intimidating behaviour. This audio conference presentation focuses on what is considered harassment and sexual harassment, reviewing the laws that protect employees from harassment and the recourses they have. The speaker looks at who is covered and discusses the two main kinds of sexual harassment in the workplace. The presentation includes sample policies and programs that work to prevent and address any situation that may be construed as harassment. It also covers the proper way to document events, investigations, and outcomes of incidents, as well as the tangible benefits of a harassment-free environment at work.