Wednesday, April 20, 2011

40 CFR Part 98: Complying with the Mandatory GHG Reporting Rule

is being presented by Marc Karell, Climate Change & Environmental Services, LLC and airs on Wednesday, May 25th, 2011. For more details or to register, please visit our site at

The Federal Mandatory GHG Reporting Rule (40 CFR Part 98), now in effect, is the USEPA’s most complex rule yet. It is the agency’s attempt to collect baseline greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data from a large variety of facilities likely to be subject to future GHG emission reduction rules. Because this represents a baseline to compare future reductions, the USEPA expects accurate emissions data to be calculated using consistent, complex methods.

Gone are the days when one can use simple methods, as long as emission estimations are conservative. Part 98 requires accuracy. Thus, Part 98 has been written rigidly with detailed requirements for field data collection and management and emission calculation methods.

Facilities preparing for Part 98 are finding that they are spending more resources than expected. In addition, all submitted data must be certified by a company Designated Representative, who is liable for its accuracy. This audio conference will provide background and tips to organize a system to meet the comprehensive Part 98 reporting requirements.