Friday, September 30, 2011

Dealing with Language and Culture Issues in Emerging Markets for Clinical Research

is being presented by Faiz Kermani, President, of Global Health Education Foundation and airs on Thursday, October 27th, 2011. For more details, or to register please visit our site at

Emerging markets, such as India, China, Mexico and Brazil have experienced a surge in popularity as locations for outsourced clinical research. A wider availability of patients, low operational costs, and positive patient attitudes towards clinical trials have driven this trend. This has further significance given that these emerging regions are also becoming important markets for new products.

However, in expanding clinical research to these regions, sponsors must be careful not to overlook linguistic and cultural differences among the various patient populations. Language and culture are also important factors in dealing with local regulatory authorities and governmental agencies. It is also imperative that sponsors understand that by extending their reach to emerging regions, there are difficult questions to answer in how best to involve subjects in clinical trials and yet not be seen to be exploiting them. This presentation will summarize key linguistic and cultural themes impacting global clinical research, and suggest best practices for leveraging the opportunities of emerging markets while avoiding the pitfalls.