Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Minimize or Eliminate In-country Reviews Without Sacrificing Translation Quality

is being presented by Sonia Monahan, Executive Vice President of Quality Systems, with ForeignExchange Translations and airs on Wednesday, October, 12th, 2011. For more details, or to register please visit our site at

Every day another international labeling project is set up with its highest element of risk smack-dab at the end of the process. Quality validation is extremely important, especially in regulated industries, and validating translation quality is often accomplished by holding in-country reviews. This step typically consists of employees in local offices completing an assessment of the translation quality. The risks of this step are large, and include missed product launches due to delays in completing in-country reviews, and quality errors introduced by non-linguists during reviews.

In a recent survey on linguistic quality, respondents from the medical device industry, translation service providers, and professional language translators were asked, “What is your biggest translation challenge?”. The number-one answer was “in-country reviews”. The top answer to the question “How is quality measured?” was, ironically, “in-country review feedback”. But are in-country reviews an absolute necessity in order to achieve optimal translation quality? This audio conference examines ways to minimize or even remove the in-country review step from the translation cycle, while still adhering to regulatory and corporate requirements for translation validation.