Thursday, February 12, 2009

Essential Leadership Skills to Turbocharge R&D Teams

Pharmaceutical/biotechnology R&D is a complex, multi-functional and highly integrated discipline. Sound leadership practices are central to developing highly committed teams that will efficiently produce quality information in a timely fashion. Teams committed to exceptional service and performance result in faster application submission and approval, enhanced creativity that generates new product concepts, increased profitability by producing efficiencies that reduce cost, and enhanced investor confidence.

In this audio conference we explore the basis of achieving exceptional performance; how commitment is obtained; a review of essential leadership and communication skills; personal leadership practices; consideration of team structure; the development of a service culture and how it can be leveraged to produce efficiencies, reduce cost and enhance creativity; and understanding the customer, both internal and external.

Essential Leadership Skills to Turbocharge R&D Teams is being presented by Dr. Arthur Kamm, Founder, with Pharmaceutical Growth Services and airs on Wednesday, April 15th, 2009. For more details or to register for this event, please visit our site