Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Getting Along Famously: Creating Harmony in Project Teams

Cutbacks! Layoffs! Budget reductions! Like many industries, it feels like the life sciences are under seige these days. In this workplace environment, managing teams is not good enough, muddling through is not an option. Today’s teams are being asked to do more with less, overcome functional and cultural differences and devise domestic and global solutions. With these weighty agendas, R&D teams have no time for less than the highest level of performance at every team meeting, making quality decisions, meeting deadlines and sticking to a tight budget.

In this audio conference, our speaker shares expert advice on how R&D teams can get along famously, moving from discordant, wasteful, dysfunctional teams to harmonious, functioning teams through a set of “people science” solutions.

Getting Along Famously: Creating Harmony in Project Teams is being presented by Susan Morris, President, Morris Consulting Group, LLC and airs on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009. For more details or to register for this conference, please visit our site www.fxconferences.com