Friday, December 11, 2009

Best Practices: Recording and Translating Audio for eLearning

Voiceover dramatically increases the impact of training programs, and has become ubiquitous in eLearning. While new technologies have lowered audio production and distribution costs in recent years, it remains an expensive component and must therefore be done right the first time. This can be critical when dealing with large amounts of audio files or multiple languages.

In this presentation, the speaker gives practical advice to streamline the different steps of audio production, both in English and in foreign languages: script preparation, voice selection, audio recording, post-production, file naming, linguistic quality assurance and more. Attendees on the media production side, as well as the localization side, learn valuable tricks to help them achieve higher quality, faster turnaround times and lower costs.

Best Practices: Recording and Translating Audio for eLearning is being presented by Xavier Marchand, Chief Operating Officer, with JBI Studios and airs on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. For more details or to register for this event, please visit our site at