Monday, February 28, 2011

Six Steps to More Successful Negotiation

is being presented by Ira G. Asherman, President, of Asherman Associates, Inc. and airs on Wednesday, April 6th, 2011. For more details or to register, please visit our site at

Negotiating is an essential skill for most job functions, one we use almost every day in the workplace. The success or failure of a project can hinge on how well one negotiates, either with co-workers and internal clients or with external parties such as vendors, partners or government bodies. These give-and-take skills have become even more important in this age of out-sourcing, joint ventures and mergers, all of which increase the pressure on employees to effectively represent themselves and their companies in negotiations.

This audio conference presentation explores the critical skills of the successful negotiator, providing insight into what makes some more successful than others at negotiating, and the steps you can take to make yourself a more powerful force at the bargaining table. The speaker also touches on the impact of factors like language and culture on negotiation, and why trust is paramount to successful negotiation.