Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Building a Global CMS: Challenges & Lessons Learned

Developing and implementing a global information management system is a daunting process, and the challenges are magnified for any company working within a regulated industry. With production facilities in the US and Europe and products sold in 92 markets, CaridianBCT is a world leader in blood collection and processing technology. This audio conference provides a first-hand account of how the CaridianBCT technical communications team implemented a scalable, flexible and measurable global information management system – from source content development through localization..

This case study looks at how CaridianBCT is implementing the Astoria content management system and integrating it with the Idiom WorldServer translation management system, improving the throughput, efficiency and traceability of the localization process. The speakers also discuss the drivers for change, how standards helped, and time, cost and resource considerations.

Building a Global CMS: Challenges & Lessons Learned is being presented by Jason Arnsparger & Jennifer Linton, Localization Project Manager & XML and CMS Project Manager, with CaridianBCT and airs on Tuesday, April 7, 2009. For more details or to register for this event, please visit our site