Thursday, March 12, 2009

Retaining Employees and Making Training Stick

Retaining quality, high-producing employees is a critical goal of any company. However, while investing in employees is arguably the smartest investment a company can make, it frequently seems to be the lowest of priorities during times of economic challenge. Traditionally, investing in employees takes the form of training. But if training is not structured properly, it results in little to no behavioral or attitude change, wasting time and precious resources.

So how do you make sure training will "stick"? Designing interactive experiences increases retention and ensures behavioral change to increase productivity and your bottom line. This audio conference explores five key steps that will not only ensure training retention, but also help you reduce staff turnover.

Retaining Employees and Making Training Stick is being presented by David Piltz, Managing Partner, with The Learning Key, Inc. and airs on Thursday, May 14, 2009. For more details, or to register for this conference, please visit our site