Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hazard Analysis for Medical Devices Under IEC60601 and ISO14971

If you have participated in hazard analysis meetings, you have probably spent hours discussing whether a scenario is a hazard, or the cause of a hazard, or debating whether the probability of an unmitigated hazard is high or low, or went off on a tangent evaluating very unlikely hazard scenarios, or wrestled with group members who consider hazard analysis meetings a waste of time.

This presentation looks at what is required under IEC60601 and ISO14971, and provides guidance on how to motivate groups to perform hazard analyses, structure meetings effectively and make them meaningful. It will discuss documentation formats and hazard evaluation strategies, as well as presenting ideas on how to get the most benefit out of the risk management process.

Hazard Analysis for Medical Devices Under IEC60601 and ISO14971 is being presented by Markus Weber, Principal Consultant, with System Safety Inc. and airs on Thursday, March 19th, 2009. For more details or to register please visit our site www.fxconferences.com

This audio conference has been pre-approved by RAPS as eligible for one (1)credit toward a participant's RAC recertification upon completion.