Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Clinical Trial Insurance: Managing Common Problems and Pitfalls

Proof of clinical trial insurance is often a requirement in order to initiate clinical trials. However, obtaining such proof - normally in the form of an insurance certificate - is not always a straightforward process. This presentation explores the reasons behind that, and examines why there is no consistent approach across territories for the same trial/protocol. It also examines the implementation of the European Clinical Trials Directive and the resulting frustrations felt by purchasers of insurance in terms of delay, administration and cost.

In this audio conference, the speaker looks at how the law/regulations, practical requirements, information requirements and insurer approaches can differ by territory, and draws upon extensive experience to put forth some methods of managing this and avoiding pitfalls along the way.

Clinical Trial Insurance: Managing Common Problems and Pitfalls is being presented by James Bird, Partner, with Jardine Lloyd Thompson and airs on Tuesday, September 29, 2009. For more details or to register for this event, please visit our site at