Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Using Learning Styles to Successfully Engage All Learners

Ever wonder why some learners evaluate a training session as "excellent" while others find it incredibly lacking? Your learning style describes how you like to take in and process new information. Your learning style determines the types of activities you find enjoyable and those that you find painful. As a trainer, it is important to recognize these differences and address the different needs of every learner. How do you address every learning style's needs in the same learning session?

In this session, you will learn to identify the four primary learning styles, including your own. You will see how your learning style impacts the way that you design and deliver training. You will leave with a simple, four-step model for designing and delivering training that you can use to address every learner's needs. We will apply this brain-based learning model to activities that you are using right now and learn where you design and delivery could improve by adding activities that appeal to the learners you might be missing.

Using Learning Styles to Successfully Engage All Learners is being presented by Jeanine O'Neill-Blackwell, President & CEO, of 4MAT 4Business and airs on Thursday, August 27, 2009. For more details or to register, please visit our site at