Thursday, July 2, 2009

Implementing QA Automation in an FDA-Controlled Software Environment

With major changes expected at the FDA, including increased scrutiny of complex medical devices, automating your QA process is more important than ever. This presentation provides medical device software engineering and QA professionals with practical guidelines on how to successfully implement QA automation. The speaker discusses how to select and implement the correct tools, how to validate those tools and how to work with technical teams to develop the cost justification.

This audio conference also looks at why the CDRH Software Forensics Lab recently acquired 5 different static analysis tools, and what this means to medical device makers.

Implementing QA Automation in an FDA-Controlled Software Environment is being presented by Ken Carson, Senior Vice President, Client Services, with Full Spectrum Software, Inc. and airs on Tuesday, August 11, 2009. For more details or to register for this audio conference, please visit our site at